F/V COHO King & Coho Troller


I’ve been living and fishing in Alaska for over 20 years.  I’ve enjoyed fishing the North Slope, Aleutian chain, Bristol Bay, Cook Inlet and the islands of Southeast Alaska.  Now that we have our own boat, the “Coho”, we want to bring the bounty of Southeast Alaska to kitchens across the country. We are a small family operation and concentrate on quality over quantity.

    The advantage of troll caught wild salmon over seiners and gill netters is that our fish are caught and handled one by one instead of netted along with hundreds if not thousands of other fish. They are caught, bled, gutted and immediately put on ice. This attention to detail is passed on to the consumer in not only the presentation of the fish, but the quality and freshness of the fillets.  The quality of wild troll caught Alaskan salmon over any type of farm raised salmon can’t be compared. 

    The main southeast summer troll season for kings and coho opens July 1.  The king season can be as short as 5 or 6 days and rarely runs longer than 12 days. Coho run steadily until late August


Captain Jeff Ambrosier

Aaron SechlerComment